Does anyone have a bottle of Johnson's Baby Bath or Lotion laying around? We need the UPC # from it! The only brand in my stash of baby toiletries is Huggies!
The fine print:
"Use your mobile phone to text a valid UPC code to 467467 from a receipt for any JOHNSON’S® Baby Bath or Lotion product dated 10/17/2009, through 12/11/2009 by 11:59 p.m., E.T., and you will receive one hooded baby bath towel, retail value $16.99, while supply of 250 towels lasts.
You will receive a return text message prompting for your name, shipping address and other required information. If you are not already a ShopText service registrant, you will be asked to provide registration information. Towel will be shipped to the confirmed address associated with your ShopText registration. For assistance, text “HELP” to 467467. You will be charged standard text messaging rates for each text message sent or received from handset according to your wireless carrier service agreement. ShopText has a no-Spam promise. Must be U.S. resident, 18 yrs or older. One towel per household.
Offer begins 10/17/2009 and ends 12/11/2009 or when 250 towel offers have been redeemed, whichever comes first. If more than 250 requests are submitted, requests will be fulfilled in the order received. Those who text after 250 requests have been fulfilled will receive notification text. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. Meredith Corporation d/b/a American Baby magazine (“Sponsor”) reserves the right to verify identification. In all matters relating to interpretation/application of this offer, decisions of Sponsor are final/binding. Sponsor not responsible for network failure or incomplete text messages or text calls. Void where prohibited, taxed or restricted."