Woo hoo! It's another GIVEAWAY! Details are below.
"This week General Mills announced a commitment to further reduce sugar in cereals advertised to kids under 12 to single digit grams of sugar per serving. The company has already been reducing sugar in cereals while increasing key nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin D, and providing whole grain."
As a family who regularly eats cereal (babies, kids, & adults) it's important that our cereal be good for us.
It was interesting to read this information shared by General Mills through MyBlogSpark:
Did you know that ready-to-eat cereal eaters consume less fat, less cholesterol and more fiber than non-cereal eaters? ... Ready-to-eat cereals, including presweetened cereals, account for only 5% of sugar in children’s diets.
More frequent cereal eaters tend to have healthier body weights and lower Body Mass Index measures.
Studies also demonstrate the benefits of eating breakfast. A 1998 study showed that children who eat breakfast tend to perform better at school. Compared to children who skip breakfast, children who eat breakfast score higher on tests, are less likely to miss class or be tardy, have fewer reported discipline problems, and make fewer trips to the office.
More information about kids and cereals can be found here Cereal Health and Wellness. If you visit here you will find a $1 off coupon for one of four General Mills cereals.
Who can't use a little savings? In appreciation of my wonderful readers, I'm giving away a coupon for a FREE BOX of General Mills cereal (up to $6) to 2 lucky winners!
All you have to do is:
Leave me a comment telling me if you're a cereal eater and if so, which cereal you like best! That's it!
If you're feeling realllly ambitious, post about my giveaway and receive an additional entry. Just send me the link!
I'll pick 2 winners via random.org on Friday, January 8th.
Thanks to General Mills Cereals for providing the FREE coupons through MyBlogSpark!
*Frugal tip- if you happen to be one of the lucky winners, save your FREE coupon until your store has a Buy One, Get One sale. That way, you will get 2 boxes of cereal FREE!