(except I've never "gifted" women's products!)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
You Tube: How to Recognize a Coupon Girl
(except I've never "gifted" women's products!)
Acme: Sale Through 4/29
If you get a chance to stop by Acme today you still have time to take advantage of a killer Catalina promo going on right now.
If you purchase $25 in select products you earn $10 back in Catalina coupons (in the form of (2) $5 coupons). What makes this deal even sweeter is that the $25 is based off of shelf price and NOT sale price (unless the item is on Knock Down, then it's based on the KD price).
Here's my score from this morning:
(5) Danimals drinkable yogurt smoothies, shelf $3.59, sale $2
Shelf price: $26.92 (I hit the $25 mark)
Total Out of Pocket: $8
Earned back: $10 in Catalinas!
(and I got a $2 survey coupon at the bottom of my receipt - SCORE!)
In the end, with the Catalina promo I wind up ahead of the game by $2. And if I didn't have all the manufacturer coupons, I'd still only be paying $8 out of pocket for 8 yogurts; $1 each is CHEAP!
A few other scenarios I did earlier in the week using the same Catalina promo (last page of circular):
Transaction #1:
(4) Hebrew National Reduced Fat Beef Hot Dogs, shelf $6.59, sale $3
Shelf price: $25.96
Total Out of Pocket: $12
Earned back: $10 in Catalinas! ($.50/pk of "real" hot dogs!)
Transaction #2:
(2) Brawny 8 pk Paper Towels, shelf $10.99, sale $5.99
Shelf price: $25.57
Total Out of Pocket: $1.98 (rolled $10 in Catalinas from Trans. #1)
Earned back: $10 in Catalinas! ($1.98 for 16 p. towel rolls & 1 pkg of yogurt!)
Transaction #3:
(2) Quilted Northern, shelf $10.99, sale $5.99
Shelf price: $27.17
Total Out of Pocket: $3.98 (rolled $10 in Catalinas from Trans. #2)
Earned back: $10 in Catalinas! ($3.98 for 24 rolls of t.p. and a frozen dinner)
In the end, I still had $10 in Catalinas left from Transaction #3 so I used them towards my 4th Transaction. It consisted of our weekly haul of fresh fruit & veggies, meats, and milk.
With or without coupons, it's still a good idea to try and fit Acme into your schedule today!
MyCokeRewards: 20 Bonus Points
Now through May 2nd, earn 20 extra points just for entering 5 Diet Coke codes.
Boston Market: Printable Coupons

Meow Mix: $1 off 3 Coupon
Remember to hit your browser's back button 2 - 3 times to get 2 prints.
PETCO: $5 off $25

Remember, you can use manufacturer coupons in addition to a PETCO store coupon to maximize your savings!
Osh Kosh: 25% off $40
Carter's: 25% off $40
Johnson's Baby Sunscreen $2 Coupon

Kohl's: 15% Off In-Store or Online
Shopping online?
Enter code WESAVEU15 at check out!
Lane Bryant: FREE Cacique Panty

Now through May 3rd you can register here at Lane Bryant and print out a coupon for a FREE Cacique panty.
Thanks poster Sherry D on Harford Cafe Yahoo Group!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
ShopRite: Sale Through 4/24
I had another great grocery shopping day! The haul from the 2 pictures above was only $67.11 out of pocket and I've got more coming back to me (see bottom of post)!
(5) bananas, reg price $.59/lb, $1.25
Coupons used:
(2) $5 Scrubbing Bubbles from Sunday paper (MONEYMAKER!!!*)
Catalinas Earned & Rolled:
$4 WYB 4 Scrubbing Bubbles products*
Catalina For Next Time:
$3 WYB 4 Post Honey Bunches
Mail-In Rebates:
$5 Scrubbing Bubbles, SC Johnson
So today I spent $67.11 but I have a $3 Catalina left to spend at ShopRite and I've $10 coming to me in manufacturer rebates. The total expense for this haul, deducting the Cat and rebates, is $54.11. Once again... not bad for milk, meat, produce and all!
Buying Coupons

Me: "Just that- sometimes I buy coupons. I buy them off of eBay or from the coupon clippers. Yes, you spend a little, but you SAVE A LOT!"
For some reason I get a strange look whenever I tell a "non-dealer" I sometimes buy coupons.
Here are my reasons for buying coupons and how I do it:
"Why on Earth Would You Buy A Coupon???" I Have 2 Main Reasons.
#1- To save money on expenses I KNOW I will incur
Last year when we were fixing up one of our rental homes to sell, we KNEW we'd be spending money at Lowe's home improvement store. I went on eBay and purchased some Lowe's $5 off $50 coupons. I think the 8 or so coupons I bought cost me $7 but I still saved $33.
Now if you can take a $33 out of your wallet right now, and throw it in the garbage can without blinking an eye, please read no more!
#2- To save money on product(s) that I KNOW I will use
Not too long ago I discovered Chobani Greek Yogurt. I instantly fell in love with the pineapple and pomegranate varieties. The unfortunate part of this love story was that each single serve cup of yogurt cost almost $2.
Now if you know anything about me, you'd be aware that I don't spend more than mere coins on a cup of yogurt, regardless of brand or liking. I just can't!
When I realized my local grocery store was featuring Chobani in their 10/$10 sale the following week I immediately got on eBay to scout out coupons.
I purchased a lot of (20) $1 off Chobani yogurt coupons for about $3. If you're quick on your math toes, you'll see that with the sale price and $1 coupons, I literally paid $3 out of pocket for 20 cups of yogurt... and not just any yogurt... Chobani yogurt (read the preceeding italicized words in a slurring, drooling-type tone).
Enough said?
"Ok, I get it. Now how do I buy them?"
Buy on eBay
Every time I get ready to shop on eBay (regardless of what I'm buying) I go through ebates FIRST. This way I earn FREE cash back. Just go to ebates (register first if necessary) and type in eBay.
Once on eBay, search whatever coupon you're looking for. Be sure to check out your seller's feedback and shipping fees to make sure your transaction is on the safe side.
Buy from The Clippers
If you are a person who wants to save, but don't have the needs to buy in bulk like a family would, you'd probably do best buying your extra coupons from the coupons clippers. For a small fee per coupon you can purchase the extras you need.
I know many, many, many folks who purchase from the clippers because it's a way for them to get a few coupons they need without having to buy a large lot of the same ones.
I subscribe to a newspaper subscription and receive multiple inserts from various family members. With the coupons I get from these means I tend to go on eBay (versus visiting the clippers) if I need more of one specific coupon.
Trade for FREE!
If you have a couponing friend, you could also pay NO MONEY, and trade coupons among each other.
I hope I've provided some helpful tips above for saving money by buying coupons. What did I leave out?
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
FREE Sample Purex 3-in-1

Fill out the brief survey here and receive a free 2 pack sample of Purex® Complete 3 in 1 Laundry Sheets.
FREE Kraft Mac Cheesy Explosion

CVS: Sale Through 4/24
Here's what I did and how you can do it too:
(1) pr. black fleece lined slippers, sale 90% off, $1.49
Used Extra Care Bucks (ECBs) from other purchases:
(1) $8.99
Paid $2.29 out of pocket including tax and got back:
(2) $2.49 ECBs from Thermacare (making them FREE)
Total ECBs earned back: $11.78
So... by "rolling" Extra Care Bucks from week to week I'm paying very little out of pocket and getting freebies again and again!
Acme: Sale Through 4/22
This certainly wasn't my BEST trip but I picked up several things we needed which raised the out-of-pocket expense slightly.
Pictured above are:
(1) 1.5 lb. Mama Lucia frozen meatballs, sale 4 for $19.99
(1) 1 pk Martin's hot dog rolls, reg price $3.19
(1) 1 lb. frozen organic corn, sale price $1.79
(8) jars Beech-Nut baby food, sale price, $.24
(1) turtle watering can (the baby HAD to have it), sale price $.49
(1) 8 pk hamburger buns from the bakery, reg price $1.99
(2) Aunt Jemima boxed pancake mix, sale $1.25
(1) 2 lb pk Premio sweet italian sausage, sale 4 for $19.99
(2) 2 lb pk ground beef, sale 4 for $19.99
(1) Oscar Mayer Deli Creations sandwich kit, sale $2.50
(2) Yoplait Greek yogurt, sale $1
(2) Ellio's frozen pizzas, sale BOGO, reg price $5.19
(14) Propel waters, sale $1
(1) pk paper towels, reg price $1
(1) gallon milk, reg price $3.29
(2) salad bowls, sale BOGO, reg price $3.99
(5) bananas, reg price $.79/lb, $1.34
(8) boxes Quaker instant oatmeal, sale $1.25
(2) Lawry's marinade, sale $1
(2) 1 lb strawberries, sale BOGO, reg price $3.99
(2) McCormick grill mates, sale $1
Coupons used*:
(2) B3G1 FREE Beech-Nut baby food from home mailer
(1) $1/2 Aunt Jemima from Sunday paper ($.75 EACH!)
(1) $1 deli markdown coupon
(1) $1/2 Ellio's from Sunday paper
(2) $.45 Yoplait Greek yogurt ($.10 EACH!)
(14) $.50 Propel from tear pad @ CVS (FREE Propel!)
(4) $2/2 Quaker instant oatmeal from booklet @ Acme ($.25 EACH!)
(2) $.50 Lawry's marinade (FREE Lawry's!)
(2) $.50 McCormick Grill Mates (FREE Grill Mates!)
(1) $4 off $40 from Acme home mailer
* all coupons less than $1 doubled
And so... we had grilled burgers (seasoned w/ McCormick Grill Mates) on fresh hamburger rolls with organic corn and pasta salad for dinner last night and while the grill was going we also grilled the italian sausage.
This morning we all had oatmeal and bananas for breakfast.
Tonight we're having left over burgers and italian sausage (on YUMMY Martin's potato rolls.) The sausage that isn't eaten tonight will go in tomorrow night's spaghetti sauce OR black bean soup with sausage; I can't decide!
We've got a few more lunches and dinners coming from yesterday's haul as well as MANY, MANY, MANY more oatmeal and pancake breakfasts! Not too bad for $50!
FREE Reynold's Wrap: 4/22/10
At 4:22 am EDT on 4/22/10, you can download the "FREE after rebate" form here.
When purchasing your roll, use this $1.25 coupon to reduce your out of pocket expense even further!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
GIVEAWAY: 2nd Chance!
Visit Treasured Reviews and enter there! You have until tomorrow, the 18th to enter. Good luck!
GIVEAWAY: Winner Announcement!
There were 12 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
Timestamp: 2010-04-18 00:26:48 UTC
Doreen, it's your lucky day! Check your inbox and get back to me right away so we can work on getting your loot shipped to your door!
Thanks to all who entered and thanks to MyBlogSpark, General Mills, and Giant for supplying the info and giveaway items!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Grand Opening: Hyde and Seek Consignment Boutique
I'm excited to annouce the Grand opening of:
Hyde and Seek Consignment Boutique!
5235 Hydes Rd, Suite #2
Hydes, MD 20182
Our grand opening is Saturday April 10th 10-4
Please come out and see the shop!
Hyde and Seek is Featuring:
Western Rain Boots
Rileyroo shoes
Headbands and Barrettes
Taggie Blankets!
The store is filled with NEW to Gently Used- NAME BRAND clothes- (sizes N/B- 20)
( Gymboree, Gap, Polo, Hartstrings, Korkykids, Lilly, Janie and Jack, Holister, Aero..........etc.)
Danielle Quattrocche
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Watching What You Eat?
Perdue Perfect Portions, $1 off
ShopRite Mobile App

Interested? Check out more here!
Arm & Hammer Product Line Coupons

GIVEAWAY: MyBlogSpark & General Mills

Gerber: Printable Coupons

Sunday, April 11, 2010
Recipe Zaar: Rice Krispies Sausage Casserole

A while back I had a really big box of Rice Krispies sitting in the cabinet. I was the only one in the house eating them and it was taking forever to put a dent in the box.
I decided to google "Rice Krispie recipe" and amidst the many hits for Rice Krispie Treats I discovered Rice Krispie Sausage Casserole on Recipe Zaar.
I made it for the hubby and son one night for dinner and what do you know-- the casserole dish was emptied; not a morsel left! Ever since my first attempt at this interesting dish it's been a hit! I made it for Easter and also today for Aunt Therese's birthday brunch. Everyone seems to love it!
Since Rice Krispies Sausage Casserole seems to be so popular I thought I'd share the recipe and also money-saving tips on ingredient substitutions.
When I first made it, I followed the recipe exactly:
1 small onion, chopped
1 lb hot sausage, browned
1 lb mild sausage, browned
2 cups cooked rice (or more)
5 cups Rice Krispies
2 (10 ounce) cans cream of celery soup
1/4 cup milk
2 (8 ounce) packages sharp cheddar cheese, grated
4 eggs, beaten
1. Brown sausage and onion together; drain.
2. Mix sausage mixture with rice.
3. Layer with Rice Krispies and cheese, dividing between 2 (2 qt.) casserole dishes.
4. Mix together eggs, milk and soup and spoon over tops of csseroles.
5. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes.
Since my first casserole, I've played around and substituted with what I've had on hand. A few inexpensive substitutions and tips that worked for me:
(5) boxes of thawed Brown 'N Serve sausage, chopped, for 1 lb mild & 1 lb hot sausage
Inexpensive tip:
Use Eggland's Best egg coupons at a store that doubles. You'll typically get "better eggs" for less than the store brand.
So what do you think? Sound good? Are you willing to try this interesting recipe?
Target: 75% Off Blue Dot

1. Small rubber backed floral rug, $2.50, $.63 with 75% off. This is perfect for under the dog's water bowl.
2. Baby girl 2 pc top and bloomer set, $2.50, $.63 with 75% off. This is perfect for that extra change of clothes in the diaper bag.
3. Precious Moments "Potty" book, $1, $.25 with 75% off. DD 15.5 months picked this one out. Let's hope it's a sign!!!
There were also lots of other goodies like toy cars, Spider Man-themed items, post-it notes, coloring books, markers, and more. If you have a kids birthday party coming up, a lot of the 75% off items would be good for loot bags!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
GIVEAWAY: Winner Announcement!

Drum Roll.....
There were 18 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
Timestamp: 2010-04-11 03:13:25 UTC
Amber, it's your lucky day! Check your inbox and get back to me right away so we can work on getting your loot shipped to your door!
Don't be discouraged if you didn't win this time around. There is another GIVEAWAY for a FREE $20 Giant Gift Card going on right now!Thanks to all who entered and thanks to MyBlogSpark, Yoplait Greek, and Giant for supplying the info and giveaway items!
GIVEAWAY Closed: MyBlogSpark & Yoplait Greek
Friday, April 9, 2010
GIVEAWAY: MyBlogSpark & General Mills

To enter the Hybrid giveaway:
From April 16-29, buy 5 participating General Mills items with your Giant (or Stop & Shop) card, use a re-useable shopping bag and you’ll be automatically entered to win. There are two different sets of participating General Mills items for each week of the promotion (listed below).
You can also enter without making a purchase by completing an official entry form at your local store.
This promotion is open to residents of MA, RI, CT, NH, NJ, NY, MD, DE, VA or DC and individuals at least 18 years old. Further details can be found in store.
Participating items:
Week 1, April 16-22
Cascadian Farms Cereal
Cascadian Farms Frozen Vegetables
Progresso Light, Reduced Sodium and High Fiber Soups
Betty Crocker Specialty Potatoes
Betty Crocker Boxed Muffins
Betty Crocker Cookie Pouch
Nature Valley Crunchy, Sweet & Salty, Trail Mix and Yogurt Bars
Nature Valley Granola Nut Clusters
General Mills Fiber One Chewy Bars
Betty Crocker Gushers, Fruit Shapes, Fruit by the Foot or Fruit Rollups
Green Giant Valley Fresh Steamers
Yo-Pus, Yoplait Fiber One or Yoplait Delights Multi Pack
Yoplait Original, Light, Thick & Creamy, Light Thick & Creamy or Whips
Pillsbury Grands Biscuits
Totino's Pizza Rolls 90 Ct.
Cheerios 18 Oz
Cinnamon Toast Crunch 24.9 Oz
Honey Nut Cheerios 25.25 Oz
Kix 18 Oz
Lucky Charms 24 Oz
Multigrain Cheerios 16.2 Oz
Week 2, April 23-29
Cascadian Farms Cereal
Green Giant Vegetables
Nature Valley Crunchy or Sweet & Salty Granola Bars
Green Giant Boxed or Prepared Vegetables, Simple Steam Seasoned Vegetables or Rices
Green Giant Wanchai Ferry Entrees
Yoplait Frozen Smoothies
Totino's Pizza Rolls
Pillsbury Savorings
Fiber One Muffins
Pillsbury Crescent Rolls
Pillsbury Sweet Rolls
Yoplait Greek Style Yogurt
Yoplait Kid Multi Pack
Cheerios 14 Oz
Cocoa Puffs 16.5 Oz
Honey Nut Cheerios 17 Oz
Lucky Charms 16 oz
Multigrain Cheerios 12.8 Oz
Reeses Peanut Butter Puffs 18 Oz
One lucky winner will receive a FREE $20 Giant (also redeemable at Stop & Shop) gift card to use towards their General Mills purchases!
To Enter:
1. Leave a comment letting me know which General Mills products you'll be stocking up on, 1 entry
2. Leave a comment letting me know what coupons you'll use towards your purchases, 1 entry
3. Follow me (just leave a comment so I know), 1 entry
4. Share me (just send me the link), 1 entry
One lucky winner will be chosen via random.org on Saturday, April 17th. Good luck!
(Thanks to Giant and General Mills for providing the information and gift card through MyBlogSpark!)
GIVEAWAY: Reminder- MyBlogSpark & Yoplait Greek
Good luck to all who have entered!
Red Robin: $3 off Burger or Chix Sandwich
Oops! I certainly didn't mean to use the coupon on something it wasn't intended for.
Red Robin eClub Members- check your inbox! Recently you should have received an email coupon for:
$3 off any gourmet burger or chicken sandwich
Valid through April 17th.
Thanks Kristin and Karen!
Walgreens: FREE 8 x 10 TODAY Only (4/9)
Can't pick it up; want it delivered? Enter code BIG8X10 at checkout.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Osh Kosh: 20% off $50
Carter's: 20% off $50
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Kohl's: 15% off In-Store and Online
Shopping online? Use promo code SHOPNOW15.
Valid today through April 11th.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Office Depot: $10 off $50

Remember, if you prefer shopping at Staples (I do!), you may be able to use this coupon there. See here.
Friday, April 2, 2010
GIVEAWAY: MyBlogSpark & Yoplait Greek

I had the chance to try Yoplait's Greek strawberry yogurt this week and I must say that it is tasty! It's thicker than "ordinary" yogurt and has a nice strawberry flavor. I also received a honey vanilla yogurt to try but haven't gotten to trying it yet.
If you want to check out Yoplait Greek, be sure to print out the money-saving coupon here first!
A few facts provided by Giant & Yoplait through MyBlogSpark:
Are you searching for a snack that’s perfect for channeling your inner goddess? Look no further than your local Giant for new Yoplait Greek yogurt. With 0 grams of fat and just 130 calories, Yoplait Greek yogurt is a guilt-free indulgence that will also help keep you strong and active.
Each cup contains 12 grams of protein - two times that of the leading yogurt - and is available in four delicious flavors, including Strawberry, Blueberry, Honey Vanilla, and Plain. In addition, Yoplait is the only leading brand of Greek yogurt with Vitamins A and D.
One lucky winner will receive 4 FREE coupons to purchase Yoplait Greek yogurt AND a $20 Giant gift card!
To Enter:
1. Leave a comment letting me which flavor of Yoplait Greek yogurt you'd like to try, 1 entry
2. Follow me (just leave a comment so I know), 1 entry
3. Share me (just send me the link), 1 entry
One lucky winner will be chosen via random.org on Saturday, April 10th. Good luck!
(Thanks to Giant and Yoplait for providing the free product, information, and gift card through MyBlogSpark!)
Babies R Us: Latest Steals
Pictured above are:
3- Seventh Generation liquid fabric softener, clearance $1.98, $1 MFR Q
I used:
the coupons listed above
a $5/$25 coupon from a TRU/BRU home mailer
I provided my Rewards R Us card and got points for my purchase and now have another ~$9 towards a P&G Booklet for my mom.
What makes this deal even sweeter is that I just found out about this Seventh Generation $5 mail in rebate.
I only paid $30.70 including tax and plan on getting $5 back from the rebate. Woo hoo!
Humane Society Fundraiser: Delivered!
It's a bit of a silly picture because the sun was in his eyes, but here's Noel with his first batch of items we delivered to the Humane Society yesterday. The Humane Society was soooo appreciative of what we donated.
6 pk of Bounty paper towels
assorted bath towels
toys- frisbees & balls
dog sweater
cat sweater
2 long-handled dust pans and brooms
2 Clorox bleach
dog leashes
cat shampoo
2 Lysol all-purpose cleaner sprays
2 Lysol disinfecting wipes
2 Lysol all-purpose cleaners (pourable)
Arm & Hammer window cleaner
natural, hypoallergenic detergent
3 hand sanitizer gels
2 Lysol disinfecting sprays
2 Lysol toilet bowl cleaners (for the staff, not the animals!)
new laundry basket
Not pictured but also delivered:
several more bath towels
bed comforter
rubber-backed rug
THANK YOU to everyone who helped us fulfill this fundraiser for Noel's Patriot Program! It was a great success!
Special thanks go to:
Cousin Karen
Aunt Rose
Mrs. Staci
Mrs. Kristin
Mrs. Missy
Mrs. Gloria
Aunt Therese
Grandma Debbie & Pop Joe
Nana & Pop Pop
Rita's Italian Ice Birthday Club

Rita's Italian Ice has a FREE birthday club. "Join today and receive exclusive offers year round, a special birthday treat and the latest scoop on Rita's-- all delivered straight to your inbox." Click here to sign up.
I just signed up and received a BOGO coupon in my inbox. It'll come in handy for the upcoming warm days here in Maryland!
Also, check our Rita's Facebook page. They've got contests and FREE sample offers on there right now too!
Catching Up!
It's been a busy week (to my standards). I'm finished my "real job" for the week, DH is working late, DD is napping, DS is out of the house, and I have a few minutes to spare! Woo hoo!
We've got a lot to catch up on! I've got 2 GIVEAWAYS to share and more steals to fill you in on (a.k.a. brag about).
Stay tuned!