Thursday, October 1, 2009

Where'd She Go?

Yup, LAME, I know! I was M.I.A. for 10 whole days! Excuses, excuses, I know but I had the busiest week I think I've had in a LONNNNNGGGGG time.

I work part-time so that consumed several of my days.

I caught the "funk" that was going around here and missed a day of work. For two days I was NOT productive in the least.

I sold my rental house! After 7 miserable months of paying a mortgage on a vacant house, I finally sold it! I was supposed to settle last Wednesday and then at the last minute it was pushed back another day. My 5 pm settlement took several hours... If you've ever bought or sold a house, you know what a process it can be.

My 9 month old daughter was baptised this past weekend. Her party and church service occupied much of our time but it was well worth it.

So... now that the chaos has died down, I am looking forward to a hassle-free next couple of weeks. Again, I apologize for my abandonment but I'm back now!

Let the STEALS begin! ;)

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