Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Wonderful Flu Season!

I've been M.I.A. again...

Earlier this week we took the baby to the doctor. She was put on antibiotics for an ear infection.

Today my son and I went the Target clinic. My son has the flu and was put on Tamiful.

I'm inserting a bit of disgruntlement here so bear with me. Each year our local school administers the flu mist to the children free-of-charge. As we do every year, we signed the consent form, and sent it back in to the school.

This year, things changed, however. We received notice a couple weeks later that the children would NOT be receiving the flu mist and that the school was waiting to administer the H1N1 vaccine. So... my son didn't receive the flu mist and he got the flu.

Anyway, I have a sinus infection as was put on antibiotics.

Now all I need is the hubby to get on a 'script and we'll be a perfectly sick bunch!

I've got a few steals to share so stay tuned...


  1. Oh ick!!! My son had H1N1 a few months ago as it was just going around... scary stuff!!!

    Feel better!

  2. Ali, Oh goodness. The flu isn't fun at all... Hope your son is ok now! Thanks for the well wishes! -Jessica
